Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I don't update this nearly as often as I should ... but ...

At my OB appt this afternoon, my BP sky rocketed. And I was dilated almost to a 4. I've been having contractions, but nothing super painful, so I wasn't too worried. But they sent me to L&D to have my BP observed for an hour or so, and it did drop down to a more comfortable level. I have to do a 24-hour urine collection and go back tomorrow for more checks, and if everything is okay, they'll send me home with a followup for Monday. If everything is okay Monday, they'll be inducing me Thursday, which is the 37-week mark.

In the meantime, I'm on stricter bedrest -- no cooking, no cleaning, no nothing, but they did say I could work as long as it wasn't stressful. I said not having the bills paid would be more stressful than working. lol.

Hubby made sure I heard the instructions and told me I had to behave, and that he would deal with moving the rooms around for the baby. I'm not allowed.

Since the family baby shower is Monday night, I told him I'd go but sit on my butt and not move (unless I have to pee) and we'll be buying Munchkin's birthday cake and things for her party Wednesday.

This is all assuming these contractions don't do more and I end up having him this weekend anyway. Wahoo.

Better go to bed for a nap before hubby freaks out. ;)